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On April 6th, Denver was awarded to host the MLB All Stars Game July 2021. (The All Stars Game is one of the largest events in Major League Baseball bringing in tens of thousands of people and the hosting state around 100 million dollars to its event each year.)


THESTANDARD was originally scheduled on July 8-10, 2021, however, as per Governor Jared Polis and Mayor Michael Hancock, nearly all large event space will be dedicated to help support the 11 days of fanfare leading up to the All Stars Game on July 11, which included our venue.


We spent time seeking the Lord and decided the best course of action was to avoid these challenges by moving our dates to July 29-31, 2021.  We are ecstatically excited to host you a few weeks later! We are anticipating an incredible move of God among the youth at the event and are ridiculously excited to rally together around the only standard that matters: JESUS.


If you have already bought your tickets and no longer are able to attend due to the change, please reach out to us and we will be happy to refund your ticket. For refunds please reach out at


For more information, here is the MLB official announcement:



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